Cause and Effect Are Clear with Kathy Park, JDPSN

podcast Oct 16, 2018

Kathy Park, JDPSN, began practicing Zen in 1999 while living in London. And began studying with the Kwan Um School after visiting the Zen Center in Paris. Over the following 20 years she lived in Zen centers and temples in the United States, Hong Kong, and Korea, where she sat several 90-day retreats. She is currently an administrative director at Mu Sang Sa Temple in Korea and the coordinator of the International Initiative Project for the global Kwan Um School of Zen. Kathy lives in Korea with her husband, Andrzej Stec JDPSN. Together they lead the Kwan Um Seoul Zen Group and Daejeon Zen Group. Kathy is also an art and design consultant focusing on traditional Korean craftwork helping artists become more sustainable.

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