What question led you to face the wall? with Taigen Dan Leighton

podcast Sep 10, 2018

Taigen Dan Leighton is a Soto Zen priest and Dharma successor in the lineage of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. He first studied Buddhist art and culture in Japan in 1970, and began formal everyday zazen and Soto practice in 1975 at the New York Zen Center with Kando Nakajima Roshi. He moved to San Francisco in 1978 and began to work full time for the San Francisco Zen Center in 1979.
Taigen was ordained in 1986 by Reb Anderson Roshi. From 1990-1992 he practiced in Kyoto, Japan translating Dogen with Rev. Shohaku Okumura. Taigen has taught widely at the university level, both in the United States and Japan, and is the author of 19 books and numerous articles. Today he lives on the north side of Chicago with his wife and serves as the Guiding Dharma Teacher for Ancient Dragon Zen Gate sangha

Want to learn more? Check out one of Taigen's books. I recommend
Zen Questions: Zazen, Dogen, and the Spirit of Creative Inquiry
but check out his other books for something that might be more appropriate for you. 

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