Study the fundamentals of Zen
Learn skillful means
Form a solid foundation for your journey
Clarify & Illuminate
Your Zen Journey
- Delve more deeply into the origins and essential teachings of Zen
- Learn more about our spiritual ancestors and their wisdom
- Gain insight into the broader context of practice methods
- Explore the ongoing evolution of our modern practice tradition
- Benefit from the guidance of experienced Zen teachers
- Nourish your meditation practice with an archive of recorded study material
- Be enriched by shared support and wisdom from the community of practitioners

Why study Zen this way?
Isn't Zen only about clear mind?
If Zen is a special transmission outside of the scriptures and isn't supposed to stand on any words, why should I spend my time studying history and texts?
Although Zen practice is about the direct experience of our true nature, it can be easy to become caught in our own beliefs and opinions about practice without realizing it. Studying the foundations of our tradition can shake us out of our thinking, deepen our practice, and point to truth in ways that would not have occurred to us. These teachings can clarify our journey and provide us with guideposts along the path to attain our true self.

Study in Community
Studying such an old and vast tradition as Zen Buddhism can be intimidating. Where do we start? Which topics do we focus on? How many of us have tried to study on our own but had trouble selecting or understanding the material?
The 360 Zen Study Series offers you high-quality teaching and insight from established teachers, connects you with a group of people who are excited and invested in learning the material, and provides you with a framework to help you stay accountable to your commitment.
What if I can't attend the live sessions?
Think about the Zen Study Series like an online course with a live portion as one possible option.
Due to time zones, many of us may have a hard time coming to the live part of this program regularly. But don't let this stop you from getting the support you need. All of the live sessions are recorded, and both video and audio are provided so you can listen or watch them later, at your convenience. We invite you to send in your questions ahead of time to the teacher, and you can always ask questions in the community forum. There are multiple ways to get the help you need to study this important material, so just ask!