Online Zen Meditation Retreats
Retreat is a time to look inside and investigate our life.
It is an opportunity to clear our mind of habitual thinking
and access our wisdom and compassion.
Strengthen Your Zen Practice
Our online Zen meditation retreats are continuous retreats, usually 1–2 days long, but you can join for any part of that time. The schedule consists of various types of Zen practice (bowing, chanting, sitting and walking), with break periods to eat meals or rest. The retreat includes kong-an interviews with a Zen teacher during each of the three parts, and may also include a dharma talk. Prior meditation experience or attendance at a meditation instruction class is recommended. For more information please see the FAQs below.
Join according to your schedule
We understand that people have busy schedules and it's difficult to set aside long periods of time. You may join the retreat for as little or as much as your time allows, joining and leaving at any time. (We ask that you please try to do so between sitting periods so as not to disrupt others.)