Thank You for Your Support!

We are happy to announce the completion of the Kwan Um Zen Online fundraising campaign, having
reached 90% of our goal ($17,904.00)! Thank you to all who supported this effort. The funds will be used
for improving online practice and programs so that the growing worldwide sangha can continue to
benefit from the teachings of the Kwan Um School of Zen. Thank you for your generosity!


Donate to Kwan Um Zen Online


Dear Friends of Kwan Um Zen Online,

Thanks to the leadership and forward vision of the international Kwan Um School of Zen, we were fortunate to have begun the Kwan Um Zen Online community in 2017 to give opportunity to people who could not practice at a local Zen center. By the time COVID-19 appeared, Kwan Um Zen Online quickly grew to support the global sangha during the pandemic. Today, participants continue to benefit from the power of practicing together, access to Zen teachers, and the warmth and support of a strong global dharma family no matter where they are located.

As Zen centers reopen, Kwan Um Zen Online continues to give access to those who are unable to get to a physical Zen center. Additionally, our diverse online programs can be a complement to in-person Zen center retreats and programs.

We are grateful to continue the mission of Kwan Um Zen Online and strive to be an inclusive and welcoming community. As we grow, we are collaborating with many of our international teachers and finding new ways to expand and create new programs.

We are asking for your support in these efforts. With your financial contribution we will upgrade our website, improve computers and video equipment, and update softwares for more efficient technology.  We will augment our team with more professional expertise to provide better service to meet the needs of our growing community. We will also expand the breadth and depth of our programs and establish a scholarship fund.

Our goal is to raise $20,000 to support the Kwan Um Zen Online growth. Your generous contribution will be much appreciated, so that our Kwan Um School of Zen’s unique teachings benefit as many people as possible in these ever challenging times.

Thank you for your practice and support for Kwan Um Zen Online.

Yours in the dharma,

Zen Master Soeng Hyang (Head Guiding Teacher)
Kathy Park JDPSN (Abbot & Guiding Teacher, Asia)
Jason Quinn JDPSN (Guiding Teacher, Americas)
Knud Rosenmayr JDPSN (Guiding Teacher, Europe)
Tamarind Jordan (Administrative Director)



Kwan Um Zen Online is part of the Kwan Um School of Zen, a tax-exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the United States of America Internal Revenue Code; EIN 22-2488066. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by IRS regulations or your local governing regulations if allowed.

Donate to Kwan Um Zen Online