Sit, Breathe, Bow 

A Podcast for Practitioners

It's Not a Matter of Perfection with Zen Master Bon Soeng

Sep 19, 2019

Zen Master Bon Soeng, Jeff Kitzes, began practicing Zen in 1975 and became a student of Zen Master Seung Sahn in 1979. He received inka, or permission to teach in 1992 and was given dharma...

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Starting A New Habit with Reirin Alheidis Gumbel

Sep 12, 2019

Reirin Alheidis Gumbel was born in Germany and moved to the United States in 1981. She began practicing Zen in 1990 and received lay ordination from Tenshin Reb Anderson in 1993. Reirin became a...

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This is a Way of Life with Abby Mushin Terris

Sep 05, 2019

Abby Mushin Terris first began studying Zen in 1976 after practicing Transcendental Meditation for several years. She met Robert Aitken Roshi in 1976 when he visited the Seattle Zen group she sat...

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What Is This Together Action? with Zen Master Bon Haeng (Mark Houghton)

Jul 18, 2019

Zen Master Bon Haeng, Mark Houghton, became a student of Zen Master Seung Sahn's in 1976 and was an early member of the Cambridge Zen Center where he lived for 14 years and was abbot for 12. He...

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When We Put The Dharma First with Kim Hoben Hansen

Jul 11, 2019

Kim Hoben Hansen began formal Zen practice in 1995 and the following year he became a student of Chozen Bays, Roshi and Hogen Bays, Roshi. In 2009 Hoben completed Sanghakai training, a 3-year...

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It Shows Us Where We're Caught Then It Sets Us Free with Mitra Bishop, Roshi

Jul 04, 2019

Mitra Bishop Roshi began practicing Zen in 1974 while living in Turkey and soon after began training at the Rochester Zen Center with Roshi Philip Kapleau. In 1986, Mitra-roshi was ordained by...

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Choosing the Path of Liberation with Ilan Luttenberg

Jun 27, 2019

Ilan Luttenberg was first introduced to Buddhism while studying philosophy in university. And he began practicing the path in 1996 with a variety of teachers from both the Theravada and Mahayana...

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If You Give Up, Then What? with Myong Hae Sunim, JDPS

Jun 14, 2019

Myong Hae Sunim, JDPS, was originally planning on becoming Catholic nun when a friend invited her to hear a visiting Chinese Zen Master, Su Bong Sunim. Lithuania had recently become independent...

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What Are You Doing Right Now? with Zen Master Bon Yeon

Jun 06, 2019

Zen Master Bon Yeon, Jane McLaughlin-Dobisz, began to get interested in Buddhism in college, which led to her studying abroad in Nepal during her senior year. After graduation, she moved to Los...

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Glimpsing Another Dimension of Life with Yonathan Dominitz

May 30, 2019

Yonathan Dominitz began practicing Insight Meditation in 1997 and has been teaching the dharma since 2002 mainly with Tovana, the largest Buddhist community in Israel. In 2015, inspired by more...

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